
Red erythrocyte transporting oxygen from the lungs to cells and carbon dioxide from cells to the lungs in the gas exchange process. The Basophil with a large number of granules is also visible. This cell lowers blood clotting and serotonin. It stores histamine in its granules.

Red erythrocyte transporting oxygen from the lungs to cells and carbon dioxide from cells to the lungs in the gas exchange process. The Basophil with a large number of granules is also visible. This cell lowers blood clotting and serotonin. It stores histamine in its granules.


Red erythrocyte transporting oxygen from the lungs to cells and carbon dioxide from cells to the lungs in the gas exchange process. The Basophil with a large number of granules is also visible. This cell lowers blood clotting and serotonin. It stores histamine in its granules.